The show
We are making movies. We think it is good business. Culture wins, industries and investors win, economy wins. People win.
Audiovisual production and the film industry is, by its nature, multifaceted. In other words, it involves various sectors of the economy: hospitality and services, manufacturing, logistics, production, and finance roughly speaking. But this is not the main thing. The point to highlight is that it offers new investment opportunities.
Benefits of investing in culture
Invertir en cultura es aumentar el nivel de aceptación de las empresas obteniendo reconocimiento social y mayor imagen positiva. Socialmente se contribuye al tejido social fortaleciendo iniciativas generadoras de empleo. En términos culturales aporta a la identidad colombiana visibilizando nuestra riqueza y diversidad y finalmente, en términos económicos, estamos hablando de nuevas oportunidades de inversión.
Colombia deductions based on taxes - Decree 697 (cocrea), law 814 (film law) and others.
Fabric and social responsibility that makes visible the creative and cultural richness of Colombia.
% of sales or other benefits agreed between the Producers and the Investor.
Invest in Creative Industry
In an intellectual property product, the expected return can be between 3 and 6 times the investment - procolombia data - in addition to exemptions, tax discounts and negotiable tax certificates and incentives that make Colombia today an ideal platform for the development of the region audiovisual industry. We are talking about products for television, cinema, alternative media and OTTs. This means: Films, series, animated series and alternative formats, both fiction, documentaries and journalistic.
At Guarnewood we are committed to a creative industry that involves the various social actors of the territory as well as the producers, a team of up to 20 young people between 16 and 24 years old and their advisers.
These social actors are:
Aliados en la empresa e industria y entidades públicas de diverso orden que nos apoyan con su sello de conocimiento, calidad y gestión.
There are the investors and the donors or patrons. The first; People, merchants and entrepreneurs who see culture as an engine for generating wealth and want to obtain a return on their investment over time. The latter, who by philanthropy contribute in kind and with financial support this type of initiative. The bet of both is to facilitate that these projects are consolidated.
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Contact us
Do you want to play any of these roles? We want you to be part of this project.
Leave us your information or contact us:
Carlos Arango
Whatsapp / Mobile +57 312 817 1559
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